Life is hard

Life is hard:

[XEROX PARC] This phrase has two possible interpretations:
  1. "While your suggestion may have some merit, I will behave as though I hadn't heard it."
  2. "While your suggestion has obvious merit, equally obvious circumstances prevent it from being seriously considered." - The charm of the phrase lies precisely in this subtle but important ambiguity.

If you find a door in front, you can open it or not. If you open the door, you may enter into a new room. To enter, you will have to overcome the doubt, hesitation or fear. If you win, you took a big step in the living room. But it also has a price: there are numerous other ports that you discover. The big secret is knowing when and where the door should be opened. Life is not exact: it provides and wrongs. Mistakes can be made into hits when you learn from them. The security of eternal wisdom does not exist. Life is generous: each room in which you live, you'll find many other doors. Life enriches those who dare to open new doors and discovering its secrets privilege and generously offers ports of luck. But life can also be harsh and severe, if you do not exceed the door will always be the same for the front door. It is the repetition before creation. It is the chromatic monotony before the rainbow. It is the stagnation of life. For life, the doors are not obstacles, but just different paths to different results. This is one simple side of life.

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